Saturday, February 13, 2016

habituation good at home

       Often the parents of my children's friends wonder at the habits of my children who do not like their classmates. This is because my son is not accustomed to buy snacks at school. Every school, my children always bring the food I prepare at home. While all his friends rushed out to buy snacks school, but my son still in class eating food from home. 
        Indeed, I always get children to know each composition of the food. I tell substances - what is useful and harmful to the body. I explain how dangerous buy snacks at school. In addition to containing unhealthy substances, also unhygienic. It seems interesting, so that children like. If the self-made food, we can keep the food we create a healthy and hygienic. With this understanding finally my son can already tell which of healthy foods which are not.  
        However habituation good must begin at home.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Assess the child's learning ability

Most people believe that children should not be put into primary schools under 7 years. However, my personal experience, both my children entered primary school at the age of 5 years and 5.5 years. Nevertheless they can follow the lessons at school well even got a high rank in his class. In my opinion, if the child is ready to enter elementary school, seen from the ability and desire of learning is strong. Why not, we provide opportunities for children for better learning.